Through our partner Ewien, Beer Sheba was able to collaborate with artist and missionary Rick Luth to create the mural for the new Soul Care office. Based on an illustration by Rick, Isabella Toombs produced the final painting shown here.
A story of the project
What made you decide to dedicate your time and talents to this project?
“I was immediately drawn to the idea of a soul care room for spiritual healing, and I felt blessed and honored to be invited to be a part of such a project. The work I do with Create International is about contextualizing the gospel for other cultures, and this was an opportunity to do that. Even as a child, God had already planted a seed in my heart for the nations of Africa, and when I taught in Tanzania, I had hoped to create a mural with the children there. Additionally, as an art teacher for 30 years, the idea of collaborating with a talented young artist and having her paint was very inspiring to me.”
What did it bring you?
“Most of my artwork is based on messages or revelations that I feel I have received from God, which is very encouraging. So it’s no surprise that designing this mural brought me so much joy. I’ve always been happy working on this project: I got to know Senegalese culture better and draw the characters, plants and animals. In fact, halfway through the project, I met a man who played the kora, and he let me play his; it was very exciting!”